جزئیات مشاغل

Project Manager

نمایش فرصت های شغلی بیشتر
  • دسته بندی : مهندسی صنایع و مدیریت صنعتی
  • موقعیت : تهران ، تهران
  • حقوق توافقی

بررسی اجمالی شغل

  • نوع کار: تمام وقت
  • تجربه کاری: کمتر از 3 سال
  • جنسیت: فقط مرد
  • وضعیت خدمت: مهم‌ نیست
  • مدرک تحصیلی: کارشناسی
  • تاریخ: ۱۴۰۱/۱۰/۱۹

درباره شرکت

  • دسته بندی ها: مخابرات و ارتباطات (تلکام)
  • کارمندان: بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر
  • موقعیت: تهران ، تهران

شرح شغل

Responsibilities: Market analysis and study to draw implementation scenarios, determine plans and strategies to enter the market in the field of digital/intelligence mega-projects.Analyze and monitor the competitors' activities and environmental conditions in the field of digital/intelligence mega-projects.Research, feasibility study, assessment, determine the dimensions of cooperation, design business plans, based on the organization's strategy, cash flow, available resources and capacities in the field of digital/intelligence mega-projects.Prepare the scope of work, technical specifications and description of project services (technical dimensions, time estimate, deliverable items, phase and determination of its weight, warranty proposal, after-sales service, train, test scenario, evaluate standards, etc.).Define business models, business plans, and determine the deliverables.Identify the business partners in the implementation of issues raised in organizational mega-projects.Manage interactions with internal and external stakeholders (internal stakeholders including information technology, network development, legal, research and development center, etc.).Design and compile agreements and contracts.Monitor the implementation/execution process of digital/intelligence mega-projects to achieve the set goals in the proposed time and budget.Break down the project into actionable steps, categorize, select and prioritize activities/sub-projects based on the proposed strategy, available resources and process principles.Determine the project requirements, assumptions and limitations.Form, manage and lead the project team.Examine, identify and select the contractors and stakeholders of the project.Requirements:This position is outsourced by MCI (Hamrah Avval)Project management and controlBusiness analysis, business Model and Business PlanBusiness partnership and cooperation modelsBusiness process managementRisk managementProject performance evaluation methods, indicators and reportingThe principles of delay, change and claim managementKnowledge of telecommunication products and services and telecommunication industry trendsNegotiationChallenging thinkingInformation transferringActive learningComprehensionComparison and decision-making

مشاغل مرتبط

کارشناس مهندسی صنایع

  • کاربین طرح
  • ارسال شده 1 سال پیش
تهران ، تهران
  • تمام وقت
حقوق توافقی

کارشناس ارشد برنامه‌ریزی تولید(شهر شهریار)

  • گروه صنایع غذایی سولیکو (کاله)
  • ارسال شده 1 سال پیش
تهران ، شهریار
  • تمام وقت
حقوق توافقی

Senior Business Analyst (SnappPay)

  • اسنپ
  • ارسال شده 1 سال پیش
تهران ، تهران
  • تمام وقت
حقوق توافقی

Lead Collection Coordinator

  • اسنپ فود
  • ارسال شده 1 سال پیش
تهران ، تهران
  • تمام وقت
حقوق توافقی

کارشناس تولید (شهر رباط کریم)

  • نیلپر
  • ارسال شده 1 سال پیش
تهران ، رباط کریم
  • تمام وقت
حقوق توافقی